Saturday, August 14, 2010

Grab & Go Changing station

My roommate forever is having a baby. Yay! She lives in Arizona now and was having a baby shower, the girls that we lived with took a little trip out to visit and attend the baby shower. I decided that I wanted to make some goodies for her. The first thing I did were these changing mats that hold a travel size wipe container and some diapers. I saw this idea somewhere, and thought it would be quite handy so I figured out how to make it work. I made two of them, because it seems like you need a spare of something like this for when one gets dirty. :)I didn't take pictures of each step of both, so I'm going to just switch the pictures of each throughout.

Towel (one bath sized towel makes 2 mats)
Fabric of your choice
Elastic - about 3 inches
Velcro - about 2 inches
First you want to cut the towel and the fabric to the same size. I did mine apx 16" x 24". You'll also want to cut a strip of fabric 16" x 3" to use as your strap. If you want to add any embellishments to the fabric side such as ribbon, now is the time to do that.

With right sides together, sew around the edges of the fabric and towel, leaving an opening to turn it. Turn it right side out, being sure to push corners out so they are nice and sharp (looking, no actual sharp corners in baby items!) :)
You'll then want to sew around the edge again so that each side stays in place and doesn't slide around, especially in the wash. As you are sewing around the edge, be sure to fold in the the still open edge so it gets tucked in and looks nice.

Now time to make the strap. First off, with fold the strap in half width wise (like a hamburger). This will leave you with one folded side and three open edges. Sew up the two long edges, leaving the small top open to turn the fabric. Flip it around so the right side is out, and iron. When you iron, fold the open edge in and iron.Next, sew on the elastic. Pin one edge of the elastic apx 3" from the open edge. Sew across the top of the elastic to hold it in place. Then its time to sew the sides, which can be a bit tricky. You are going to stretch the elastic out and sew it down each side in the stretched form.As it flows out the back of the sewing machine, you will see it gathering up. Great! This is what we want! :) You'll end up with the strap looking like this

Time to sew the strap on. In order to know where to sew, you want to fold up the mat. First fold in half lengthwise (hot dog style), then fold in thirds widthwise. It will end up like thisPin the open end of the strap to the middle of the folded edge of your thirds fold. Unfold everything and sew on. You'll then sew the velcro onto the end of the strap. Refold the mat (in half then thirds) and wrap the strap around to see where the other piece of velcro will be placed. Just note, that the strap will be able to go to the middle of the other side of the mat, but we are going to be putting the wipes and diapers in there, so we want it to meet the edge of the other side. Unfold and sew on the second piece of velcro.RefoldDone with the mat!
You can just put in a travel wipe pack plain, but I decorated mine to match the changing mat. I didn't end up with any pictures of how that was accomplished, but it was fabric, hot glue, and really just make it work. :) These fit diapers in the strap as well, but I didn't have any to put in, but here is the finished product!

We had a fabulous time getting together again! Happy baby Ashlea!

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