Saturday, August 14, 2010

Baby cupcakes

The other thing I did for the baby shower was make baby cupcakes using onesies and socks. Before I did anything I decorated the onesies, because a girl has to accessorize, right? :)These are a matter of folding a rolling to get it right. It took me a couple tries to get down how to fold it, and it really is a trial and error based on what you are using to make these. You really can use any items, such as washclothes, diapers, and I used a hat for one as well.Once they are rolled up, if they are flat on top, just push up the middle from the bottom to crate the cupcake top, then pin them using straight pins. Then, if desired, cut a piece of ribbon and pin around the outside. To top these off I just took some flower, put a straight pin through the middle and put them in the top.
I put them cupcake wrappers then in a little cupcake box before giving them out. Attached to the box I put a 'baby cupcake ingredient' list, so the mom to be knows what is in there without having to take them all apart before they are ready to.
I somehow missed taking a picture of the final product, but I put them in a box like this and it came out quite cute! :)I quite enjoyed making these little baby things, and since I'll be an aunt again soon enough, I'm sure that there will be more baby items to come!

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