Saturday, April 10, 2010

Where my peeps at?

I have to say, I think that Easter has the best holiday candy. (THE best is mint M&Ms at Christmas, but for overall selection Easter edges out the winner.) How can you not love Cadbury mini eggs, PB M&M eggs, whopper eggs, endless jelly beans, and the list goes on.

One point of controversy here is the Peep. Now I have never been a big fan of the Peep candy, and haven't eaten one in years. This year, though, as I was making the next project I realized that Peeps are just marshmallows with some extra sugar on the outside, and I like marshmallows, so I needed to try them again. And you know, they weren't so bad. So, if you haven't had peeps in a long time I suggest you get back to it!Now, onto the fun stuff. I came across this idea online, and just knew I had to try it out. This is something that even those non-Peeps peeps can jump on the bandwagon for...Peeps Sushi!
This was so simple and fun, everyone enjoyed eating them! It is Rice Krispy Treat, Peeps, and Fruit by the Foot. So, start cutting the heads off those Peeps you still have in the cupboard from Easter and get to it. Cut the Rice Krispy treat, roll, and cover the outside with Fruit by the Foot.

There are so many fun things you can find to do with Peeps, but I think this one of the best and tastiest I have found.

And a little did you know...Peeps bunnies and chicks come in 6 colors, so be sure to try them all!

And there are people who like the little buggers, the amount of Peeps eaten at Easter could more than circle the Earth's circumference. So, if you like them stand up and be counted! They are the best selling non chocolate Easter candy, and have been for the last decade. Go to their website for more fun facts and recipe ideas.

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