Monday, June 7, 2010

Hair piece

So many cute headbands out there, and over and over again I want to get one, but could never decide what to get. Sometimes they are really an investment to buy one. So, what's a girl to do? Make her own of course!

I was at Wal Mart, and discovered that they are getting rid of their fabric there. A tragedy for sure, where else am I suppose to buy cheap experimental fabrics for things...oh well. So, they had a bunch of tulle of different sizes left for CHEAP. So I picked some up, as well as a few basic headbands and came home to experiment.I started with the tulle, a glue gun, and some feathers.I put a piece of felt centered in the tulle so the glue would have something to stick to, and then started putting down the feathers. Then I grabbed a big button I had and glued it in the middle.
I then attached it to a headband.To keep it on the headband, I just took another round of felt and glued it to the one already attached. I forsee many more of these in the future

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